Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention – October 2019l
SafePlaceFor the month of October, SafePlace collaborated with Equal Latin. Click on this slide to read more.Click HereEmergency Support Shelter – CowlitzAnnual Candlelight Vigil – Click on this slide to read more.Click HereYWCA of Clark CountyDomestic Violence 101 –
Click this slide to read moreClick HereWashingtonton State Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceClick this slide to read about WSCADV activitiesClick HerePrograms for Peaceful LivingPurple Ribbons down Main Street. Click this slide to read more.Click HereSAFE San JuansClick here to read about their Domestic Violence Silent Witness Vigils.Click HereThe Support CenterClick this slide to read about their work spreading awarenessClick HereAbused Deaf Women’s Advocacy ServicesClick this slide to learn about Ecotherapy, Myth busting and Seattle Police Dept. training.Click HereHuman Response NetworkRoller Derby Tournament! Click here to learn more.Click HereYWCA SpokaneLight up Spokane and more. Click this slide to read about YWCA of Spokane.Click HereSt. James Family Center / The Charlotte HouseLight up Main Street! Click this side to read more. Click HereLifeWireClick this slide for LifeWire’s activities.Click HereYWCA Pierce CountyHops for Hope! Click here to read more.Click HereDomestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of Whatcom County
For the month of October, SafePlace collaborated with Equal Latin. Equal Latin is a restaurant that recently opened in downtown Olympia that serves Latin inspired dishes. SafePlace was able to provide bar coasters, flip chart conversation starters and kids coloring pages to Equal Latin for the month. On Oct. 25, staff from SafePlace set up a small informational table with a donation box to talk to customers as they walked into Equal Latin during the lunch hours and dinner hours. The thing that stood out during this event was the amount of individuals that knew or had heard of SafePlace. People seemed to really enjoy the brochures that were available and the resources. One thing that we would do differently is the way the event looked during the dinner hours. We realized that those hours were pretty busy and due to that an informational table was not as useful. We would love to do a livelier event during that time to engage customers in different ways.
The points of contacts for this event were Joanna Zapien and Esmeralda Triplett. They can be reached at SafePlace’s business office at 360-786-8754.
YWCA Clark County

DV 101 for Service Providers
During DVAM this year, we provided a ‘Domestic Violence 101’ training to community partners that also provide direct service work to people in our community. We often get requests for this type of presentation and were happy to create a time for service providers to learn how to more effectively support domestic violence survivors. Participants in the training also gained a more comprehensive understanding of the different facets of domestic violence and how our program can support survivors. In addition, we ran “In Her Shoes” to promote empathy-building among the participants. After this exercise, the participants expressed shock and awe at the day-to-day lives of survivors. The overall feedback was positive and participants were grateful for the chance to learn more about domestic violence and how to connect their clients to our program.

Meaningful Movies- LoveStruck
During DVAM, we partnered with our local chapter of Meaningful Movies in Ridgefield, Washington to screen LoveStruck, a three-part documentary about domestic violence survivors. Following the screening, we hosted a panel featuring advocates from our program and Pathways to Healing. The panel discussion was made into a podcast, which can be accessed at this link:
Local law enforcement also ran a DVAM campaign during the month to raise awareness in the community. Our program collaborated to provide trainings to officers about the services our program provides, as well as how to connect survivors with our services. Advocates provided training to nearly 100 patrol officers who work across the city. We received positive feedback for our trainings, as well as appreciation for answering questions and offering resources during the trainings.
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
WSCADV activities included:
- Positive and action-orientated messages from the newly released Friends and Family Guide (
- Resources to promote healthy relationships such as Love Like This, How’s Your Relationship? Conversation Cards and how to find support from DV/SA programs across the state.
- Halloween themed messages for the last week of October.
Programs for Peaceful Living, WA Gorge Action Programs
- Programs for Peaceful Living tied purple ribbons on trees and poles down main street in town with laminated paper on each bow stating what it stands for.
- They hung window displays with the power and control wheel, as well as some DV facts.
- They held an event in Goldendale where DV swag as well as informational brochures were handed out. They also held an event in Klickitat where they posted flyers and brochures.
- Programs for Peaceful Living made buttons and ribbons that were be handed out at the events and pictures were uploaded onto their facebook page weekly.
SAFE San Juans
SAFE San Juans hosted Domestic Violence Silent Witness Displays and Vigils. These displays are meant to honor the 41 people in Washington State who were killed in acts of domestic violence in Washington State in 2018. SAFE San Juans invited vigil participants to walk among the figures and write their thoughts in a journal provided on-site. Three vigils were held; one on Orcas Island, one on Lopez Island, and one on San Juan Island.
The link to the silent witness vigil
A link to another article written for DV awareness month by Safe San Juan’s staff
The Support Center
The Support Center hosted 5 events throughout the month of October in order to spread awareness by taking action against Domestic Violence.
10/3 – DVAM Opening Event
10/7 – DVAM Love Like This Community Collaboration
10/14 – DVAM In her Shoes Community Collaboration
10/21 – DVAM How to Help Community Collaboration
10/18 – DVAM Community March &Open House
There were raffle prizes, refreshments, and community.
Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services
A short session to address multiple healing methods to cope with Trauma. This Involved a discussion, meditation, ritual, and tea ceremony. All of these which allowed participants to connect with themselves and nature. Feedback received for this event was generally positive.
Victim support team Training @Seattle Police Department
Training on what domestic violence is along with general information including the dynamics of domestic violence within the deaf community and knowing the statistics. This involved working with HSDC (Hearing Speech and Deaf Center) to share information regarding how to work with interpreters if responding to a situation. Feedback: The volunteers who were a part of this really appreciated the information and learned a lot. They feel a lot more confident in terms of if they had to handle an emergency with deaf individuals.
DVAM Myths
Weekly videos busting Domestic Violence Myths. Feedback: Based on the responses and the high engagement, this was vital to spreading the word. Addressing certain things that people have said in the past that even us ourselves might have said or seen someone say definitely has a bigger impact.
Human Response Network
Human Response Network’s DVAM events included “Knocktoberfest” Roller Derby Tournament.
YWCA Spokane
YWCA Spokane hosted many events including:
- Light Up Spokane where the Steam Plant lights up their smokestacks purple and YWCA Spokane encourages businesses and individuals alike to do the same to show the many silenced victims in their community that they are not alone.
- Chalk walk where every Monday in October local agencies, businesses and individuals take a moment to write on sidewalks across Spokane to show support to victims and survivors of domestic violence.
- Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop had End The Silence cookies for sale through the entire month of October. A portion of the proceeds were to go directly to support YWCA Spokane’s End The Silence movement.
St. James Family Center/The Charlotte House
St. James Family Center activities included:
· Having over 30 businesses (mostly on Main Street) participate by displaying purple lights in their windows along with a poster. Also purple ribbons, and purple pinwheels are displayed.
· Creating labels with their contact information on coffee sleeves and supplied those to the local coffee shops and creating table tents for local restaurants.
· Working with the local high school football team and cheerleaders, in which purple sweatbands, pom poms, and purple face paint was worn. Banners were displayed and the announcer mentioned the Charlotte House at half time to explain the services they provide.
· Creating bookmarks with DVAM information and Charlotte House contact information and give them to the library to hand out.
LifeWire’s DVAM activities included:
- Participation in several small fundraisers
- Speaking engagements at six cities that proclaimed October DVAM and coordination with cities to share information about what they can do to help end DV.
- The biggest event was their annual Breakfast fundraiser which featured a survivor speaker and the video on why it’s so hard for survivors to leave abusive relationships.
Link to video
YWCA Pierce County
YWCA Pierce County activities included:
- Hosting a Hops for Hope event in which they invite men that are board members and donors to host an evening at a local water hole. Every beer ordered that night, the establishment donates $1 back to the YWCA. The event was open to all genders, but many men attend and during the event, one host spoke about the importance of men caring about domestic violence and ways they can get involved.
- Another event was the Triple T: Tour, Toast, and Tastes. It was an open house event at the YWCA designed to show visitors an overview of the range of services and supports provided by the Y. There were different refreshment, appetizer and dessert, coffee stops set up for a fun and informative tour of the YWCA’s program areas e.g. legal program, children’s program, etc. Information about the YWCA’s history and programs was covered by several staff speakers. It was a great way for community members to get a deeper look into the work and mission of the YWCA of Pierce County.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of Whatcom County
Click on poster images to enlarge
Emergency Support Shelter – Cowlitz County
Below is a list of the activities that the Emergency Support Shelter (ESS) held during their annual Candlelight Vigil to commemorate those who have lost their lives due to Domestic Violence and to bring awareness to their community:
- A Domestic Violence Detective was the Guest Speaker and a Survivor told their story.
- The Agency Team recited Spoken Word poetry that was written by their Legal Advocate.
- There was a Memory Chair at the vigil that represented the lives lost to domestic violence along with a poem.
- Detail and statistics were shared with event attendees on the impact of violence within their community
- To encourage action to make positive changes, a #1Thing challenge was promoted along with a #1Thing “selfie” station for those that wanted to participate on social media.
- Artwork created by many of their Survivors was displayed
- At the end of the evening a moment of silence was shared along with an interactive song by Lauren Daigle, You Say.