Commerce 地方政府部门 (LGD) 旨在了解和支持地方和社区领导者的不同需求。 LGD 主要向地方政府提供财政和技术援助,但也为非营利组织、社区组织和部落提供支持。 资本投资是我们的生计。 我们的项目组合范围从宽带和其他公共基础设施到社区和经济发展、可持续增长规划、行为健康、早期学习和其他社区设施投资。 社区的几个方面是 LGD 不相交的,多样性是我们的优势。
Early Learning Facilities Program
The Early Learning Facilities program supports Washington’s commitment to develop additional high quality early learning opportunities for children from low-income households.
Behavioral Health Facilities Program
Our grants establish new behavioral health service capacity in communities through acquisition, renovation, or new construction of real property.
Periodic Update
This page is dedicated to the Growth Management Act Periodic Update. We post checklists, guidance documents and other GMA related support materials here on a regular basis to help local governments with their reviews
Climate Planning
This page provides planning guidance, grants and other resources for developing a climate element that mitigates greenhouse gas emissions and builds community resilience.
Housing Planning
The Housing Planning page contains information on housing grants and guidance, as well as links to specific program pages.