US DOE – Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program
- Qualifying applicants: Manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles that achieve defined fuel economy targets and producers of components or materials that enhance the fuel economy performance of eligible vehicles.
- Qualifying projects: Must 1) manufacture eligible vehicles or components that are used in eligible vehicles, 2) build new facilities; reequip, modernize or expand existing facilities; and/or support engineering integration performed in the U.S. related to the manufacturing of eligible vehicles or components, 3) be located in the U.S., and 4) provide a reasonable prospect of repayment.
- Total funding amount: $10 billion.
- Application due date: Rolling applications.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – Clean Bus Planning Award
- Qualifying applicants: State and local government entities that provide bus service; private school fleets with an active contractual agreement to serve a public school district; nonprofit school transportation associations; tribes, tribal organizations, or tribally controlled schools responsible for the purchase of school buses or providing school bus service for a BIA-funded school; direct or designated recipients of FTA grants, including state and local governmental authorities, and tribes.
- Award goals: Connect transit and school bus fleets with technical experts to support planning for bus electrification.
- Assistance provided: Existing fleet baseline analysis, vehicle electrification feasibility analysis, infrastructure assessment and optimization strategy, procurement and project staging, financial analysis, emissions modeling, stakeholder analysis, workforce considerations, and recommended next steps.
- Application due date: Rolling applications.
- Qualifying applicants: Applicants must meet the SBIR/STTR program eligibility requirements in 13 CFR 121, Small Business Size Regulations.
- Qualifying projects: Grant applications sought for the following subtopics: Innovative EV battery cells and components, improving EV battery recycling efficiency, improving consumer electronic battery recycling efficiency, modular heavy-duty vehicle batteries, material innovations for thermal runaway mitigation in high-end battery enclosures, EV battery firefighting technologies, electrified hydraulic components for off-road equipment, and increasing efficiency through systemwide innovation.
- Total funding amount: $65 million.
- Application due date: Feb. 26, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
US DOE – FY 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) program-wide funding program
- Qualifying applicants: Institutes of higher education, for-profit entities, nonprofit entities, state and local government entities and Indian tribes; and consortia of entities described in this paragraph.
- Qualifying projects: Projects to address improved battery technology for both light- and heavy-duty applications, smart charging infrastructure, sustainable farming, workforce development, and demonstration and deployment of these new innovative technologies.
- Total funding amount: $88 million
- Application due date: June 18, 2025, at 5 p.m. EST
US DOE – Community Energy Innovation Prize Round 2
- Qualifying applicants: Individuals; private entities (for-profits and nonprofits); nonfederal government entities such as states, counties, tribes and municipalities; and academic institutions.
- Qualifying projects: The prize is made up of three tracks, one of which is the Vehicles Ecosystem Track. For this track, prizes will be awarded based on supporting the deployment of clean transportation technologies in a manner that promotes access to clean transportation technologies, improves health and air quality outcomes, and lowers the burden of transportation impacts on community members.
- Total funding amount: $8.42 million.
- Application due date: June 20, 2025.