This page offers access to Commerce Housing Division key archival, active, and recently published reports from the Division beginning in 2013 through current. Each report is designed to support informed policymaking, with legislative mandate language included where applicable.
Active reports
Frequency: One time
Due Date: June 30, 2025
Legislative mandate: Proviso – Section 127: (140) $250,000 of the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2025 is provided solely for the department to evaluate alternative methods for calculating average median household income. The department must include in its evaluation the feasibility of using median household income data by state legislative district as published by the United States Census Bureau. The department must submit a report of recommendations to the appropriate committees of the legislature by June 30, 2025.
Commerce contact:
Augustine Sughrua,
Consultant contact:
BERK Consulting, Inc. – Kevin Ramsey,
Published reports
Affordable and permanent supportive housing
Frequency: Annually
Published: February 2025
Brief Description: The Affordable Housing Advisory Board 2025 Affordable Housing Progress Update provides detailed data on Washington’s housing supply, affordability, homelessness, and racial disparities. It tracks housing production trends, including permits issued for single-family homes, multifamily units, middle housing, and accessory dwelling units. The report assesses homeownership and renter affordability, availability of subsidized affordable housing, and rates of housing insecurity and homelessness. It also highlights persistent racial disparities in homeownership and housing costs. Additionally, the report summarizes recent legislation, funding, and policy changes aimed at improving housing affordability, and includes AHAB’s 2025 legislative agenda with recommendations to address the state’s housing crisis.
Affordable Housing Advisory Board 2025 Affordable Housing Progress Update (Box)
Legislative Mandate: RCW 43.185B.040 requires the Affordable Housing Advisory Board to, requires AHAB to “submit an annual progress report to the legislature, detailing the extent to which the state’s affordable housing needs were met during the preceding year and recommendations for meeting those needs.” This report constitutes the 2025 update and covers data available through 2024. No update was completed in 2024; instead, the 2023-2028 Housing Advisory Plan was submitted in its place.
Commerce Contact:
Augustine Sughrua,
Frequency: One time
Published: December 1, 2024
Brief description: This report describes the efforts by Commerce and the Housing Finance Commission to stabilize rents in state-financed affordable housing projects and describes future voluntary stakeholder engagement to guide these efforts.
This report includes data about statewide and regional cost burdens for renters in state-financed affordable housing units.
Stabilizing Rents for Tenants in State-Funded Affordable Housing Report (PDF)
Legislative Mandate: During the 2023 legislative session, the Washington State Legislature included provisos in the 2023-2025 operating budget for both the Washington State Housing Finance Commission (the Commission) and the Department of Commerce (Commerce) to report on rent stabilization efforts for affordable housing units financed by these agencies. The Legislature specifically requested the following:
NEW SECTION 129 (70) Within existing resources, the department must submit an interim and a final report to the appropriate committees of the legislature on efforts taken by the department to stabilize rents for tenants of affordable housing units financed through the housing assistance program created under RCW 43.185.015 including, but not limited to, efforts to limit or mitigate the impacts of rent increases for tenants of qualifying units. The department must submit the interim report by December 1, 2023, and the final report by December 1, 2024.
NEW SECTION 914. (1) The Washington State Housing Finance Commission must submit an interim and a final report to the appropriate committees of the legislature on efforts taken by the commission to stabilize rents for tenants of affordable housing units financed through federal low-income housing tax credits allocated by the commission, and other housing finance programs administered by the commission as applicable. Rent stabilization efforts may include, but are not limited to, limiting or mitigating the impacts of rent increases for tenants of qualifying units. The commission must submit the interim report by December 1, 2023, and the final report by December 1, 2024. (2) This section expires June 30, 2025.
Commerce Contact:
Shawn Slape,
Frequency: Every five years
Published: May 2024
Brief description: This plan documents the need for affordable housing in Washington and the extent that public and private sector efforts are meeting that need, identifies barriers to meeting the state’s affordable housing needs, and makes recommendations to meet the state’s affordable housing needs.
The plan includes data on the Washington housing market, both at a statewide level, and at the county and urban level, and related themes, including wage and employment data, housing cost burden data, homelessness data, and data on demographic disparities.
2023-2028 Housing Advisory Plan Report (PDF)
2023-2028 Housing Advisory Plan Report Webinar (MP4)
Legislative mandate: RCW 43.185B.040 requires the Affordable Housing Advisory Board to, “prepare and from time to time amend a five-year housing advisory plan. The purpose of the plan is to document the need for affordable housing in the state and the extent to which that need is being met through public and private sector programs, to facilitate planning to meet the affordable housing needs of the state, and to enable the development of sound strategies and programs for affordable housing.”
Commerce contact:
Augustine Sughrua,
Published: November 2024
Brief description: This report provides data on affordable housing development costs for projects funded by Commerce’s Housing Trust Fund that have submitted final development costs during the previous state fiscal year. This includes multifamily and homeownership projects.
Note: this report was required to be submitted annually, but the Legislature changed the requirement to every other year.
- 2023 HTF- Affordable Housing Cost Data Report (PDF)
- 2022 HTF- Affordable Housing Cost Data Report (PDF)
- 2021 HTF- Affordable Housing Cost Data Report (PDF)
- 2020 HTF- Affordable Housing Cost Data Report (PDF)
- 2019 HTF- Affordable Housing Cost Data Report (PDF)
Commerce contact:
Shawn Slape,
Adult and family homelessness
Frequency: Every five years
Published: September 2024
Brief description: The 2024-2029 Washington State Homeless Housing Strategic Plan outlines strategies to reduce homelessness through equitable, transparent systems. It focuses on strengthening the service provider workforce, preventing homelessness, and expanding permanent housing options. The plan includes data on homelessness rates, affected demographics, and program evaluations, highlighting systemic challenges like housing scarcity and inequities. Recommendations include increasing affordable housing, improving workforce conditions, and adopting innovative, equity-focused interventions. Guided by stakeholder feedback and evidence-based practices, the plan provides a roadmap for coordinated statewide and local efforts.
2024-2029 Homeless Housing Strategic Plan Report (PDF)
Legislative Mandate: Chapter 43.185C RCW authorizes the homeless housing and eviction prevention programs within Commerce and directs the agency to prepare and publish the Plan and the accompanying local plan guidance.
Commerce Contact:
Oliver Crain,
Frequency: Annual
Due date: December 1 of each year
Brief description: This report provides an assessment of the current conditions of homelessness in Washington and the state’s performance in meeting the goals of the State Homeless Housing Strategic Plan. It also includes data from the Point-in-Time Count of homelessness, a report on the amount of federal, state, local and private funds spent on homelessness and their outcomes, and other relevant homelessness programs, funding, and outcomes.
Legislative mandate: various sections in Chapter 43.185C RCW and RCW 43.63A.311
- 2023 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2022 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2021 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2020 Report was not submitted due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- 2019 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2018 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2017 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2016 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2015 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2014 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
- 2013 Homelessness in Washington Report (PDF)
Commerce contact:
Kathy Kinard,
Youth and young adult homelessness and housing
Frequency: One time
Published: September 2024
Brief description: This report provides data on the number of unsheltered homeless youth under 18 in Washington and recommendations for supporting them.
Legislative mandate: Chapter 408, Laws of 2023 (ESSB 5599)
(1) [C]ontract with an outside entity to: (a) Gather data regarding the number of unsheltered homeless youth under age 18 in Washington state; and (b) Develop recommendations for supporting unsheltered homeless youth under age 18 in Washington state; and
(2) By July 1, 2024, and in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, the office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs shall submit the information and recommendations described in subsection (1) of this section to the appropriate committees of the legislature.
Modeling for Housing Stability for Youth Under 18 in Washington (PDF)
Commerce contact:
iLeana Areiza,
Frequency: Annual
Due date: June 30 of each year
Brief description: This report provides expenditure and outcome data for a multi-acre youth campus in Tacoma, called the Arlington Drive Youth Campus, funded by the Office of Homeless Youth Prevention and Protection.
Legislative mandate: Recurring budget provisos, most recently Sec. 129 (14) in the 2013-25 biennial operating budget
(14) $2,125,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2024 and $2,125,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2025 are provided solely for the office of homeless youth to contract with one or more nonprofit organizations to provide youth services and young adult housing on a multi-acre youth campus located in the city of Tacoma. Youth services include, but are not limited to, HOPE beds and crisis residential centers to provide temporary shelter and permanency planning for youth under the age of 18. Young adult housing includes, but is not limited to, rental assistance and case management for young adults ages 18 to 24. The department shall submit an annual report to the legislature on the use of the funds. The report is due annually on June 30th. The report shall include but is not limited to:
(a) A breakdown of expenditures by program and expense type, including the cost per bed;
(b) The number of youth and young adults helped by each program;
(c) The number of youth and young adults on the waiting list for programs, if any; and
(d) Any other metric or measure the department deems appropriate to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the funds.
- 2023 Arlington Drive Youth Campus and Young Adult Housing Program Report (PDF)
- 2022 Arlington Drive Youth Campus and Young Adult Housing Program Report (PDF)
Commerce contact:
iLeana Areiza,
Housing Policy and Special Initiatives Reports
Published: January 2025
Brief Description: This legislatively mandated study was included in the 2023-2025 biennial operating budget (ESSB 5187). It explores the scope, costs, and timeline of implementing a statewide rental registry. Please note: no statewide rental registry has been enacted or is currently going into effect.
Key highlights of the report include:
- A timeline estimate for phased rollout and stakeholder engagement
- Recommendations for the potential design and operation of a rental registry platform
- Detailed cost estimates for development, implementation, and maintenance
Washington State Rental Registry Study (Box)
Washington State Rental Registry Study Overview Presentation (Box)
Washington State Rental Registry Study Overview Presentation Slides (Box)
Legislative Mandate: 2023-25 operating budget – Section 129: (82) $215,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2024 and $345,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2025 are provided solely for the department to produce a report to the legislature detailing the scope of work, cost estimates, and implementation timeline to create or procure an online registry of rental units in Washington state subject to state information system planning and oversight requirements. The online rental unit registry must have the capacity to collect and report out timely information on each rental unit in the state. Information to collect includes, but is not limited to, the rental unit’s physical address, identity of the property owner, monthly rent charged, and vacancy status. The scope of work must assume integration with existing rental registries operated by local governments. Cost and timeline estimates must provide two alternatives with one assuming statewide implementation and the other assuming implementation in the six largest counties of the state. The department shall consult with landlord representatives, tenant representatives, local governments operating existing rental registries, and other interested stakeholders as part of the process of developing the scope of work and timeline for the online rental unit registry. The department must submit the report to the legislature by December 1, 2024.
Commerce Contact:
Augustine Sughrua,
Consultant Contact:
HR&A Consultants – Sarah Kirk,
Frequency: Second of two reports
Published: October 2024
Brief Description: This report provides background, context, data, and recommendations about the Rights-of-Way Safety Initiative Program.
Data in the report includes housing outcomes for encampment residents, including the number of residents who accepted housing, the types of housing accepted, and the number of residents remaining in housing.
Rights of Way Safety Initiative Report (PDF)
Legislative mandate: 2022 supplemental operating budget, Sec. 128(132)(f), (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022):
The department must submit a preliminary report to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the legislature by December 15, 2022, and a full report by September 30, 2023. The reports must identify barriers to housing and gaps in services that prevented or otherwise impacted the housing outcomes of individuals engaged by the grantees, and policy and budgetary recommendations to improve the transition of individuals residing on public rights-of-way to permanent housing.
Commerce contact:
Nathan Peppin,
Frequency: One time
Published: September 2022
Brief Description: In the 2021-23 Operating Budget (pdf), the Legislature tasked the Department of Commerce with convening a diverse homeownership-focused work group to “assess perspectives on housing and lending laws, policies, and practices; facilitate discussion among interested parties; and develop budgetary, administrative policy, and legislative recommendations.”
Legislative Mandate: (ESSB 5092, Sec 129 (100), Laws of 2021) (pdf)
Commerce Contact:
Ann Campbell,