The Washington State Zoning Atlas (WAZA) will be a publicly available mapping tool illustrating key features and regulatory characteristics of zoning codes across jurisdictions in Washington state. The WAZA will translate each local jurisdiction’s unique zoning designations into a set of standardized zoning categories and will document a set of attributes related to dimensional standards and land uses allowed in each zone.
Purpose of the WAZA
Cities and counties across Washington each have their own set of zoning districts and development regulations that determine what is allowed to be built on each parcel of land. Funded by Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5187, the WAZA will make it easier to compare zoning codes between jurisdictions and identify regional and statewide trends in regulation, this will strengthen local planning for housing, transportation, environmental impacts, climate response, and economic growth.
The WAZA is intended to be compatible with and build upon the National Zoning Atlas and Commerce’s existing Puget Sound mapping project to create a product that meets the unique needs of Washington State.
Using the WAZA
The WAZA will track zoning parameters including height and lot coverage limits that most clearly define the type and intensity of what is allowed to be built. The WAZA will interpret and generalize existing zoning codes but will not perform analyses or make assumptions about development. Audiences include policy makers, researchers, resource agencies, and local planners.
The WAZA will be helpful for the following types of analyses:
- Tracking state legislative changes including middle housing and housing targets
- Informing environmental and economic analyses that depend on information on allowed types and intensity of development
- Informing site selection for difficult to site land uses
Deliverables and timelines
The completed WAZA will be available in Summer 2025.