The Legislature established the Homeless Student Stability Program (HSSP) in 2016 with passage of the Homeless Student Stability and Opportunity Gap Act, which amended state laws related to improving educational outcomes for homeless students through increased identification services, in-school supports and housing stability.
HSSP grant
The HSSP grant provides housing support services to students and their families experiencing homelessness and unaccompanied students experiencing homelessness. The goals of the program are to:
- Provide educational stability for students experiencing homelessness by promoting housing stability
- Encourage the development and implementation of collaborative strategies between housing and education partners
- Encourage the development and implementation of evidence-informed strategies to address racial inequities among students and their families experiencing homelessness
HSSP grantees provide housing support, including diversion, housing navigation, financial and/or rent assistance, housing stability case management and other collaborative, strengths-based services.
- HSSP Interim Evaluation (PDF)
- HSSP Landlord Habitability Standards Certification (Word)
- HSSP Landlord Habitability Standards Certification in Spanish (Word)
- HSSP Verification of Household Eligibility (Word)
- HMIS Informed Consent Form (PDF)
- Self Declaration Form (Word)
- Certification of Payment Obligation/Potential Eviction for Family/Friend Form (Word)
- Certification of Payment Obligation/Potential Eviction for Family/Friend Form in Spanish (Word)