As part of Washington state’s continued efforts to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG), RCW 47.01.520 directs a multiagency effort to create tools that enable a timely deployment of charging and refueling infrastructure necessary to support statewide and local transportation electrification efforts that result in emissions reductions consistent with state goals.
One of these efforts is focused on the creation of centralized tools for state agencies to manage data for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) or electric vehicle chargers.
What is SAFE?
SAFE was developed in collaboration between the Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Department of Enterprise Services (DES) and Department of Commerce’s State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP) Office. SAFE is a set of tools for any agency to self-manage EVSE information to provide state employee drivers with better information about charging locations and capabilities across the state. The tools, based on popular cloud-based mapping solutions, include:
SAFE Data entry tool
The Data Entry tool is a secure starting point for capturing detailed information about the charging sites and chargers such as location, status, hours of operation, ports/connectors, charging network, contact information and other details, such as warranties, that are useful to agencies that manage EVSE.
The deadline for initial entry of agency EVSE into SAFE is Dec. 31, 2024.
SAFE Data editing tool
This map-based tool helps authenticated users manage existing EVSE information. EVSE administrators can also use this tool to update existing site information.
State employee driver map
This interactive map application, designed for all state employees, shows charging sites available by state agency. All non state-owned public charging sites plus state agency-owned sites are displayed in a map with key information. The interface will provide charging network along with help contact information and access to a driver feedback form.
State employee driver feedback
The driver feedback form is intended to help improve agencies’ awareness of potential issues and identify opportunities for improvement. Feedback will be emailed to the charging site’s managing agency.
How to access SAFE tools
State agencies may request an account by sending an email to the State Efficiency and Environmental Performance office (SEEP) at The SEEP office will respond with a link to create an account at ArcGIS Online, and then agencies can proceed to access SAFE tools.
Once agencies have created an account, they can access the EVSE data entry and editing tools within WSDOT Online Map Center Hub Community or at the following links:
Technical assistance
For any technical assistance or support needs with the SAFE tool, please submit your request at SAFE Tool Support requests.