- Commerce Clean Energy Fund (CEF) – Electrification of Transportation Systems (ETS) Round 2 Grants — For local governments and federally recognized Tribal governments for the procurement, installation, and integration of electric vehicle supply infrastructure and/or hydrogen refueling station infrastructure in rural communities. Phase 2 final applications due May 15, 2023.
- WSDOT Zero-emissions Access Program Grants — Grants for electric vehicle car-sharing for communities not served by transit. Applications due May 17, 2023.
- FHWA Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program — Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act Section 11401 discretionary grant fund for four fuels – electric, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas – split equally between community charging and corridor charging. State and local government, Indian Tribes, planning organizations, and other government agencies are eligible to apply. Applications due June 13, 2023.
- WSDOT Zero-emission Vehicle Infrastructure Partnerships (ZEVIP) Grants – For government agencies and nonprofit organizations who partner with the private sector to install EV charging or hydrogen refueling infrastructure along state routes. Applications due June 29, 2023.
- EPA Clean School Bus Program Grants – For local or State governmental entities, Tribal organizations, public charter school districts, eligible contractors, and nonprofit transportation associations to replace existing school buses with clean and zero-emission school buses. Application packets due August 22, 2023.