Below are presented technical assistance and training resources for Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) grantees and subgrantees to support effective utilization of awarded funding. CHG is a state-funded grant to local governments and nonprofits for homelessness assistance, prevention and housing. CHG Program Managers collected and curated these resources from a variety of sources, and will continue to update these lists over time. Recipients seeking more targeted information should reach out to their CHG Program Manager.
Disclaimer: The views represented by the various trainers and organizations featured in the written, video, and audio material linked to this page are their own, and do not necessarily represent the views of Commerce and our staff. Anyone seeking additional information from one of the linked sources should reach out to the organization that created that item.
- Grant and administration technical assistance
- Program-specific technical assistance
- Service delivery technical assistance
- Performance measurement and management
- Other resources
Grant and administration technical assistance
This section presents materials about the administration of CHG and programs funded by CHG.
- CHG/SDG Subgranting Checklist (Word)
- Commerce Risk Assessment (Excel)
- Commerce Monitoring Planning Form (Word)
- Commerce Monitoring Tool and Report Instructions (Word)
- Commerce CHG Monitoring Tool (Excel)
- Commerce CHG Monitoring Report (Excel)
- Commerce CHG Client File Review Form (Excel)
- Commerce Low Barrier Monitoring Tool (Excel)
- Commerce Low Barrier Monitoring Report (Excel)
- Housing Stability Plan Sample Template (Word)
- CHG Grievance Sample Procedure (Word)
- CHG Termination and Denial Sample Policy (Word)
- CHG Determining Rent Sample Procedure (Word)
- CHG Payment Standards to Determine Rent Limit Sample Policies (Word)
- CHG Habitability Complaint Process Sample Policy (Word)
- Crisis Response, National Alliance to End Homelessness
- Housing problem Solving: From Diversion to Rapid Exit and Beyond, National Alliance to End Homelessness (Video)
- Effective Street Outreach: From Unsheltered to Housed, National Alliance to End Homelessness (Video)
- Vets@Home Toolkit: Effective Homeless Crisis Response Systems for Veterans (PDF)
- Built For Zero: A Movement to Measurably and Equitably End Homelessness
- Resources. Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Program-specific technical assistance
This section presents resources that have been organized by type of program, service, or intervention. While many of these could be funded by CHG, the listings here could apply to programs funded by other sources as well including private, local, state, and federal.
Service delivery technical assistance
The materials in this section focus on research, strategies, principles, and evidence-based practices related to delivering services to people experiencing housing instability or homelessness.
- SPARC — Supporting Partnerships for Anti-Racist Communities Research Project (PDF)
- How to be an Indigenous Ally Tool Kit (PDF)
- Heartshift Collaborative Project- The Guide to Allyship
- TED Talk- «Don’t call people out — — call them in,» Loretta J. Ross (Video)
- Measuring Love in the Journey for Justice: A Brown Paper written by Brown People (PDF)
- Rainbow Alliance and Inclusion Network (RAIN) Resources
- Targeted Universalism; Policy and Practice Resources & Videos
Performance measurement and management resources
In this section, grantees and subgrantees can find information about how CHG program performance is measured at the provider, county, and state level. This includes reports on that estimate the absolute number of people experiencing homelessness in Washington.
- Introduction to System Performance and Improvements from Data to Service Delivery (Video)
- Exit Destination Guide (Word)
- Commerce Balance of State HMIS Data Quality Dashboard (updated quarterly)
- CHG Performance Tracker (updated quarterly)
- Commerce County Report Card (updated annually)
- Commerce Snapshot of Homelessness (updated every six months)
- Commerce Housing Division Data Dashboards- main page
Other performance resources on this website
Below are links to web pages that provide more information on the Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS) administered by Commerce, and the overall approach to managing Homeless System Performance.
Other resources
Below are some additional resources that grantees and subgrantees may find useful when administering and implementing programs funded by CHG.
- Common Questions & Answers About Homelessness (PDF)
- Building the Public and Political Will for Ending Homelessness and Creating Communities Rich with Abundant Housing: A CaseMaking Playbook for Leaders Everywhere (PDF)
- The Four Fundamental Principles of Human-Centered Design and Application