BEAD funds focus on the approved NTIA approved BEAD Initial Proposal Volume II, which presents the subgrantee selection process, in addition to fulfilling other requirements prescribed by the National Telecommunications and Information and Information Administration (NTIA).
The subgrantee selection process details how applicants will be selected to be awarded funds from the nearly $1.2 billion allocated to Washington to expand broadband services. Washington has ambitious goals as part of the “Internet for All in Washington” initiative that include:
- Universal broadband access for every business and household by 2028
- Equitable economic development through expanded broadband access and adoption
across all underserved populations - Scalable and sustainable “future proof” broadband infrastructure that meets access and
equity goals.
Eligible applicants
- Units of local government, including but not limited to ports and public utility districts
- Federally recognized tribes
- Nonprofit organizations
- Nonprofit cooperative organizations
- Public private partnership
- Private companies
- Public or private utilities
Broadband construction funding
There are approximately $1.2 billion available in federal BEAD funding to connect 215,755 eligible locations across the state (154,061 unserved and 61,694 underserved). Awards are determined through a competitive process.
The application cycle is open from Nov. 12, 2024 to Jan. 31, 2025. (open for 81 days to include holidays). Applications are due by midnight Jan. 31, 2025. WSBO is required to meet with NTIA to review the deployment subgrantee selection outcomes after the completion of the deployment Subgrantee Selection Process and no later than 14 calendar days prior to notification to any provisionally awards selected subgrantees (and prior to posting the draft Final Proposal for public comment). In addition, WSBO is not allowed to publicly announce provisional selected subgrantees between rounds of the application cycle. WSBO’s Final BEAD proposal due to NTIA on May 2, 2025. We are anticipating it will take at least 60 days to review and approve the Final Proposal. Once approved WSBO will be able to issue award letters and start the contract process.
BEAD match — 25%
An applicant is required to provide 25% cost sharing/match that is cash or in-kind, with exception of NTIA defined high-cost areas. The project area maps have identified the total match required in these areas, see Bead Project Area Match list.
In-kind matching categories are the same as the BEAD eligible expenses. In-kind contributions, which may include third-party in-kind contributions, are non-cash donations of property, goods or services, which benefit the BEAD project. This may include employee or volunteer services, equipment, and supplies, etc. In addition waiver of fees associated with access to rights of way, pole attachments, conduits, easements, or access to other types of infrastructure.
Local Government — Tribes State match available
The Washington State Broadband Office has authority to provide approximately $300 million to match the required NTIA- 25% of BEAD award for:
- Units of local government, including but not limited to ports and public utility districts
- Federally recognized tribes
Application cycle timeline
First Round (81 days):
- Application Cycle Opens Nov. 12, 2024
- Application Cycle Closes Jan. 31, 2025
- Applications Review Feb. 10, 2025 to approximately March 10, 2025
- Awards made after NTIA’s approval of the final plan around July 2024
Second Round possible if funding is available from the $1.2B. Dates yet to be determined. Projected opening in Feb. 2025, for 60 days to open a new NOFO.
Third Round is for the WSBO Director to directly negotiate for project areas remaining unclaimed after Round 2. These project areas will be required to submit a complete application to WSBO.