Washington Statewide Reentry Council

The Legislature created the Statewide Reentry Council in 2016 to improve public safety and outcomes for individuals reentering the community (43.380 RCW). The council is also guided by Gov. Inslee’s Executive Order 16-05: Building Safe and Strong Communities Through Successful Reentry.

Mission and Vision

Our Mission

The Washington Statewide Reentry Council advocates for Washington laws, investments, and attitudes that improve reentry outcomes and increase public safety by supporting equitable reentry systems that are more humane and restorative.

Our Vision

We disrupt the cycle of mass incarceration by transforming systems so that each individual is treated equitably and with dignity.

Our Values

Integrity | Equity | Justice | Relationships | Respect & Dignity | Restoration | Anti-Racism

Updates and News

Click below to read the latest news from the Statewide Reentry Council

March 27, 2024

The 2024 legislative session was a short one – just 60 days – but very productiv e on several of the Reentry Council’s priorities. Council members actively supported the following bills that passed:

  • HB 2084, sponsored by Rep. Mary Fosse, establishes an oversight committee to improve construction-related training and pathways to state registered apprenticeships in state prisons. This will make training opportunities more accessible and equitable, and will provide a pathway to living wage jobs when people come home. The Reentry Council will have a seat on this committee.
  • HB 2099, sponsored by Rep. Darya Farivar, ensures everyone released from state prison or a state hospital has a state ID card. This is vital to reentry as ID is required for everything from housing to employment to securing benefits.
  • SB 5893, sponsored by Sen. Claire Wilson, expands gate money to people leaving work release, sentencing alternatives, and other custody conditions, not just those released directly from state prisons.  This will ensure everyone released from state custody will have access to funding to quickly access food, shelter, and transportation during this crucial time.
  • SB 5974, sponsored by Sen. Noel Frame, removes legal financial obligations (LFOs) other than restitution for juveniles for LFOs imposed by prior to July 1, 2023. While a bill in 2023 made juvenile LFOs uncollectable, this bill was necessary to actually remove previous debts from the books so that they cannot be used against people on background and credit checks.

Additionally, the Council was successful in securing funding to advance our new strategic plan and support a human dignity pilot in one local jail. There is still much work to be done, and we will continue to advocate for positive change through the interim as we prepare for a robust legislative agenda in 2025. If you have ideas or issues you would like the Council to consider, please contact our Executive Director Janel McFeat or our Legislative Committee Co-chair Hilary Young.

Reports and Publications

Council Meetings

The council gathers at least four times a year and currently meets bi-monthly. Due to Gov. Inslee lifting the COVID-19 restrictions, the council will host hybrid meetings in-person and online options on a virtual platform. All Reentry Council meetings are open to the public.

Resources for Reentry


Lorraine Olson, Council Coordinator
Email: Lorraine.Olson@commerce.wa.gov
Phone: 564-669-3693



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