Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is defined in RCW 36.70A.030 (31) as non-time-limited housing for persons with disabling conditions who have experienced homelessness or risk of homelessness and are offered voluntary supportive services aimed at assisting the client in maintaining the terms of their lease agreement. The 2022 Legislature passed Chapter 266, Laws of 2022, creating the Permanent Supportive Housing Advisory Committee. The committee provides guidance and recommendations on the administration of permanent supportive housing programs managed by Commerce.
The Committee will provide Commerce with advice and recommendations on the best use of funds for PSH development and maintenance. The Legislature has appropriated several funding sources to expand permanent supportive housing:
- Washington’s Housing Trust Fund provides construction capital or funding for rapidly acquiring existing structures for use as PSH.
- The Office of Apple Health and Homes is launching the new Prescription for Housing program that pairs persons eligible for Washington’s Foundational Community Supports Program with housing specifically for this population.
- Commerce also administers nearly $45 million per year for operating and maintenance costs and the cost of supportive services for housing units dedicated as PSH.
- A new funding source created by Chapter 214, Laws of 2021 provides a dedicated funding source to be used broadly for expanding the capacity of PSH units. This fund source will be administered locally by county governments and subject to recommendations by the Committee.
Chapter 266, Laws of 2022 prescribes 26 distinct member positions to be appointed by Commerce, 11 of which are persons with experience in PSH representing various populations such as persons of color, persons with developmental disabilities, persons older than 55, and others.
The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Advisory Committee is comprised of community members, advocates, housing providers, and policy experts who collaborate to advise our state government on enhancing the quality and accessibility of Permanent Supportive Housing for those in ne
This group is managed by the Department of Commerce with support from Uncommon Bridges (Formally BDS Planning) and meets four times per year. Meetings are 3 hours long and held virtually on Zoom. If eligible, members may be paid at a rate of $45 per hour.
While the committee is always accepting applications to create a pool of candidates, the committee is currently actively recruiting for the following openings:
- Single adults living in permanent supportive
- One representative from the behavioral health sector
- One PSH resident
- One Public Housing Authority representative
- Apply Online
Meetings are held quarterly as follows.
2025 PSH meeting schedule
- Thursday, January 9th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Thursday, April 10th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Thursday, July 10th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Thursday, October 9th, a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- PSH Advisory Committee Report to the Legislature 2023 (PDF)
- PSH Advisory Committee Report to the Legislature 2024 (PDF)