OHY provides technical assistance to grantees to support effective utilization of awarded funding. OHY provides resources and case consultation, develops best practices, and collaborates with community partners. Grantees are encouraged to contact their OHY program managers for individualized technical assistance with their grant.
Find resources in your area on the OHY Funded Service Provider List (Excel) or OHY Resource Map (on Google Maps).
Program guidelines
Grantees are first and foremost bound to the terms stated in the contract with the Department of Commerce. Compliance with OHY Program Guidelines is included as a term of the grant contract. Commerce may revise guidelines at any time. All grantees will be sent revised copies. Grantees are responsible for using the most current version and sending revisions to any subgrantees in a timely manner.
The following sections are general requirements that apply to all OHY grants unless otherwise stated in the complete program guidelines for specific grants. Related forms and resources are linked at the beginning of each document.
Complete program guidelines are listed below by grant type. These documents contain requirements specific to individual grants and as well as all applicable general sections in one PDF.
- ACI – Anchor Communities Initiative (PDF)
- ATS – Ancillary Therapeutic Services (PDF)
- Community Support Teams (PDF)
- HOPE, Crisis Residential Center & Secure CRC (PDF)
- HPDF – Homelessness Prevention & Diversion Fund (PDF)
- HSSP – Homeless Student Stability Program (PDF)
- H-SYNC – Housing Stability for Youth in Courts (PDF)
- IYHP – Independent Youth Housing Program (PDF)
- Protected Healthcare Services (PDF)
- SOS – Street Outreach Services (PDF)
- SOC – System of Care (PDF)
- TLP – Transitional Living Program (PDF)
- YAHP – Young Adult Housing Program (PDF)
- YAS – Young Adult Shelter (PDF)
- YHDP – Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (PDF)
Data and performance
- OHY Data Collection Requirements (Excel) includes data requirements for each OHY grant type, allowable project types for each OHY grant, eligible services for project types, custom elements, and optional sample templates for data collection forms
- OHY HMIS Data Quality Report Guide (PDF) instructions for running reports required with invoice submissions
- Performance Progress Report Template (Word) this narrative report is due January 31st and July 31st for each grant
- Performance Risk Assessment and Monitoring Guide (PDF) outlines performance requirements for applicable OHY grants (HOPE/CRC, TLP, IYHP, YAHP, SOS, and YAS)
- Monthly Voucher Detail (Excel) form required with monthly invoice submissions
- Budget Proposal & Revision Request Form (Excel) form used for proposing initial budgets and any requested revisions
- Flexible Funds – Allowable Expenses (PDF) reference list of expenses allowable for all OHY grants to meet individual participant needs as outlined in the Financial Administration section of program guidelines
- Rental Assistance – Allowable Expenses (PDF) reference list of expenses allowable in the rental assistance budget category for applicable OHY grants (IYHP, YAHP, ACI, SOC, HSSP)
- Maintenance vs Building Expenses (PDF) reference guide for determining eligible facilities expenses
Rental assistance
- Rental Assistance Flowchart (PDF) visual guide of requirements for providing rental assistance
- Rental Assistance – Allowable Expenses (PDF) reference list of expenses allowable in the rental assistance budget category for applicable OHY grants (IYHP, YAHP, ACI, SOC, HSSP)
- Rental Assistance Calculator (Excel) sample template to determine assistance based on participant income and household expenses
- Certification of Payment Obligation-Family and Friends (Word) (Spanish version) alternative form to a formal lease
- Housing Habitability Standards – CHG (Word) sample template if using Consolidated Housing Grant (CHG) standards
- Lead Based Paint Visual Assessment Requirements (PDF) based on HUD standards
- Landlord Habitability Certification (Word) (Spanish version) to be completed by landlord
Eligibility verification
Learning opportunities
OHY supports increased education and understanding through individual technical assistance to grantees as well as facilitating webinars, research, and connections to resources.
- OHY webinar recordings and slides (Box)
- Data, research and reports (Box) includes OHY legislative reports, strategic plans, landscape scans, and other information about homeless youth and young adults in Washington
- External training resources for required topics (PDF) Requirements for staff training in OHY funded programs is listed in the personnel section of program guidelines. The specific trainings listed do not have to completed but are examples that can be used to meet requirements.
- Glossary of OHY acronyms and terms (PDF)
- Foundational Community Supports (FCS) resources | Washington State Health Care Authority
- Homeless Youth Handbook – Washington
- Pathways to Employment (DSHS)
- Pathways to Housing (DSHS)
- Peer counselors | Washington State Health Care Authority SUD Family Navigator Training – Washington State Community Connectors (wsccsupport.org)
- SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) samhsa.gov
- Case Management Ratios: COVID-19 Homeless System Response (hudexchange.info)
- Consent for Youth in Shelter – 2023 Legislative Changes for Licensed Shelters (PDF)
- Federal Foster Care Overview (PDF)
- Financial Aid | WSAC
- Independent Living Skills Program (dcyf.wa.gov)
- Minor Consent Chart – Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (PDF)
- Reduced Cost Services Guide (DSHS)
- When can a minor access health care without parental consent? WashingtonLawHelp.org
- Youth Access to Counsel | Office of Public Defense (wa.gov)
- Youth and Young Adult Housing Response Team
Performance outcomes
Programs with specified performance measures based on HMIS data have outcomes published online.