New chair will focus on understanding trends in Washington’s rental and homeownership markets and plans to work toward a cohesive picture of housing need, availability and affordability.
OLYMPIA, WA – Gov. Jay Inslee appointed Spokane senior housing developer Paul Trautman as chair of the state’s Affordable Housing Advisory Board (AHAB). Trautman will start his term with the first AHAB quarterly meeting of 2022 on March 2.
“Paul’s experience and background will be invaluable to the board as communities throughout the state continue grappling with a shortage of affordable housing and we all work together to find viable long-term solutions,” said Commerce Director Lisa Brown.
Currently with Frameworks Spokane, Trautman previously served on the AHAB representing the Association of Washington Cities (Eastern Washington). He has also worked for the cities of Bellingham and Spokane, administering affordable housing and community development funding and developing affordable housing.
“I’m very pleased to work the diverse and creative housing experts already serving on AHAB,” Trautman said. “It’s exciting to begin working with new tools brought forth by the Legislature to measure housing availability and affordability. I look forward to highlighting housing solutions that expand access to healthy and affordable housing for all Washington residents.”