Community Reinvestment Project (CRP)
The Community Reinvestment Project (CRP) is a community-designed plan to uplift communities disproportionately harmed by the war on drugs.
Crime Victims Advocacy
The Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA) serves as a voice within government for the needs of crime victims in Washington. We envision a future where all people have access to support, healing, and the ability to reach their full potential; where all people experience autonomy, dignity, freedom of identity and expression, and safety in their homes and communities.
Community Economic Opportunities
Obstacles to self-sufficiency come in many different forms, but one thing is universally true: when we pull together to help those most in need, our communities are stronger, and that provides greater economic opportunity for all.
Special Initiatives
The Special Initiatives Unit implements new legislative priorities to ensure everyone in Washington has access to safety, belonging, and the basic resources needed to thrive.
Washington Statewide Reentry Council
The Washington Statewide Reentry Council advocates for Washington state laws, investments, and attitudes that improve reentry outcomes, increase public safety and build systems that are more humane and restorative.