Pursuant to RCW 59.28, owners of federally assisted rental housing are required to give tenants a 12-month notice before prepayment of a federally insured mortgage or the expiration of a rental assistance contract. A copy of the notice must also be sent to Commerce. For frequently asked questions about the program, please see the Information for Owners – Compliance with the Requirements of RCW 59.28 guide (on Box).
- For landlords and tenants of federally assisted housing: information and resources are available on this page.
- For tenants and legal advocates: resources to verify a housing provider’s compliance with the law and all posted notices from the last two years are available under “Notices received by Commerce”.
Information for tenants of federally assisted housing
Owner resources
- Frequently asked questions (PDF)
- Contacts and resources (PDF)
- Sample letter- tenants (Word)
- Sample letter- agencies (Word)