The Housing Division’s Data and Performance Unit produces the following reports and publications.
Each county in Washington reports all expenditures by funding sources for each homeless housing project in their community. Commerce combines expenditures data with HMIS data to create The Annual County Expenditure Report (The Golden). This report is published annually.
The Snapshot report combines client information from several state agency data systems in order to provide a comprehensive estimate of the homeless and unstably housed population in the state. The Snapshot report is published twice a year, for January and July.
The HTF Investment Portfolio provides information about the number of homeownership and multifamily rental projects funded in compliance with RCW 43.185A.0190. This report is updated quarterly. We look forward to including more data elements, definitions, and historic award records in future releases.
Commerce provides reports on various topics related to homelessness and housing. We also work in partnership with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Research and Data Analysis and other state agencies to produce reports using administrative data from multiple state data systems.
Interactive Visualizations and Performance Dashboards are available on Tableau. The County Report Card provides information for the state and each county on system-wide performance measures, including exits to permanent housing, returns to homelessness, length of time homeless, and cost per exit to permanent housing.
Published quarterly, dashboards provide performance, data quality and equity information for counties, agencies and project types. At this time, only counties that are included in the Balance of State Continuum of Care are included in the dashboards.