The Disabilities Workgroup supports the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program and the Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (DDETF) Governing Boards.
Workgroup programs
About ABLE
The Washington’ State ABLE Savings Plan allows people with disabilities and their families to save for future expenses without losing state and federal benefits. The program launched in July 2018. The funds may be used for qualified expenses that improve the beneficiary’s health, independence and/or quality of life. The Department of Commerce administers the WA ABLE Savings Plan through a contract with Vestwell (formerly Sumday), who acts as the Plan Manager.
Learn more about ABLE
- Website:
- Contact the WA ABLE call center at 844-600-2253 for more information
- Stay up to date with WA ABLE Facebook and LinkedIn
- Enroll in the Washington State ABLE Savings Plan
ABLE governing board meetings
The DDETF is a supplemental special needs trust program established in 1999 by the Washington State Legislature. The program enables individuals with developmental disabilities or their families and friends to set aside funds for future use without affecting their eligibility for government services and benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.
Funds may be used for many services not covered by other benefits, including recreation, therapy, clothing and transportation. The Department of Commerce administers the DDETF through a contract with The Arc of Washington State, who acts as the Trust Manager.
Learn more about DDETF
- Website: Development Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (
- Call 888-754-8798 ext.1 for more information.
DDETF governing board meetings
Quarterly statement self-service access
Washington State Department of Commerce offers online access to the Endowment Trust Fund System (ETFS) service. This system allows primary representatives to:
- View a trust account’s quarterly statements for the past three years
- View current account balance
- View recent transactions.
To set up your ETFS Account:
- Register for a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account
- Submit an ETFS Access Request Form
- Add the Endowment Trust Fund System Service (ETFS) under the Department of Commerce services
Read the ETFS external user manual for additional information about the ETFS service.