Washington state energy policies, standards, and reports are essential tools for managing and guiding the production, distribution and consumption of energy — with the goal of building a sustainable, secure, and economically viable energy landscape tailored to our needs and resources.
Washington State Energy Strategy
Avoiding the worst impacts of climate change requires a comprehensive commitment to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Washington launched initial efforts with legislation to require clean […]
Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)
On May 7, 2019, Governor Jay Inslee signed the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) (SB 5116, 2019) into law, which commits Washington to an electricity […]
Energy Independence Act (EIA)
The Energy Independence Act (EIA or I-937) requires electric utilities serving at least 25,000 retail customers to use renewable energy and energy conservation.
Utility Extreme Heat Shutoff Moratorium
Utility Extreme Heat Shutoff Moratorium (House Bill 1329) prohibits electrical and water companies from involuntarily terminating utility service to any residential user due to lack […]