Commerce hosted a series of nine statewide community workshops in fall 2024 to listen and learn from communities and tribes about their visions and barriers for a clean energy future. These workshops were designed to guide the development of a Clean Energy Ambassadors program, designed to deliver education, planning, technical assistance, and community engagement across the state.
Workshop participation highlights
- Attendance included 211 residents; 80 people participated in Spanish.
- In-person workshops were held in Aberdeen, Granger, Spokane, and Tacoma.
- Five virtual workshops took place in November 2024.
- Workshops were conducted in English, Spanish, and Portuguese based on participants’ requests.
- Information sheets and registration forms were translated into 12 languages.
- Over 80 community members received more than $8,000 in compensation for participating and sharing their expertise.
Clean Energy Ambassadors funding update
Funding for the program was initially authorized in fiscal year 2025 operating budget (ESSB 5950 Sec 130 (28)) through the Climate Commitment Account. However, due to the forecasted state government budget deficit, Governor Inslee’s proposed 2025 Supplemental Budget released in December 2024 eliminated those funds. Commerce does not have authorized funds to move forward with the program. Elected leaders will decide whether to fund the program in the future.
Slides and overall results from the community workshops are shared below:
- Clean Energy Ambassadors information sheets in 12 languages (Box)
- Clean Energy Ambassador workshop slide decks
- Clean Energy Ambassadors Community Survey
- Clean Energy Ambassadors final feedback questions
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